“She has an instantly recognisable style and her subjects tell a story that grabs your interest at first sight but also keep you wondering. We’re happy to support this amazing artist and look forward to getting to know more of her subjects in the future.“
- Astrid, Sweden

You won't find this at IKEA...
If you've made it here you're not bland. Or beige. Or boring. I'd even state you're slightly bolder than average. Let your home be a reflection of that.
"Emily's works always evoke feelings in me. They're like the little voices inside my head keeping me motivated, but with spunk and attitude. I just love them."
- Jay, Australia

Bring home an oddball
If you, much like myself, long to feel more, live more fully, care less, be bolder and be more wonderfully, outrageously, unapologetically YOU…
…my art is your invitation to embrace your quirks, oddities, flaws and chase those big, juicy dreams.

You're not bland. Not beige. Not boring.
You are beautifully complex. Multifaceted like a disco ball. Not always perfect but always you.
Let me paint the true you, full of quirks, oddities and flaws. Yes flaws! They are what make you interesting and unique and fabulous.
(Go on, you're amongst friends, you can admit you're fabulous.)